National Travel Campaigns


Considering the upwardly spiraling precautions and paranoia concerning travel to the US, I think that other nations could turn this into an advantage for themselves. Think of the fun ad campaigns:

Freedom Flies In France

Come to Australia; we were criminals once, too.

Viva Mexico!!! Cheap overnight travel by truck!!! No delays!!!

Travel Canada, so close and yet so far...

Israel, where air security was invented

Visit Russia (we already know who you are...)

I'm sure you can think of others. :-)


Mongolia - We don't even have any infrastructure to bomb

I'm just wondering why I don't hear any voices of outrage from those Americans who always complained about being fingerprinted for their Japanese alien registration cards. The Japanese stopped doing that recently, didn't they? Perhaps they'll take it up again--like Brazil, who has retaliated by fingerprinting all American visitors.

Remember the good ole days when we airline travellers were honored customers? Now we're all potential suspects, none presumed innocent. This is a really good time not to visit the US.

North Korea - we can arrange a house swap in Japan

(alluding to the kidnapping/identity substitution - too dark?)

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