July 2012 Archives

Two Weeks in July

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While Tod was in Singapore, I took a self portrait at a highlight moment of each day. 


Tod's away and I seem to be alternating between crazy thoughts and productive actions. Today I combined the two to create some sketches of the crazy thoughts, personified.

This ratty goblin plagues me at night if I leave the closet open. He bites, gives me nightmares, and settles bad fashion sense on me while I sleep. He's only been with me for the past decade, but there have been scary things in the closet since I was ten or eleven.

These are the cancerous cells that I am sure lie in wait for me. They don't take up much of my time now, but once in a while when I am feeling unwell they swim around in my consciousness. Who knows when I met them? They aren't saying.

This little fucker gets in my way all the time, making me trip, stumble and flail. Thanks to her, I've no grace and I'm all scabby knees. She stopped me from pursuing movement arts for four decades. She's been in my life since I was three.

The dungeon master is powerful; some people call him "the Universe." He looks chill, but bears dangerous and malevolent gifts. He always gives me what I wish for, literally, and with any devious twists he can devise. I met him when I was a teenager playing RPGs. I hate him a lot so rarely make wishes.

This ogre whispers to me that none of the people I know actually like me - and certainly none of them love me. Friends only use me for whatever talents, skills, and resources I have. Sometimes they are deliberately and cruelly testing me to see how I react to challenges. I met this monster when my family moved and I started at a new school when I was nine.


Shape of Today

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My day was spent traversing the city in a most inefficient but still sort of wonderful way. I had a ukulele lesson (1), collected my forgotten camera and Colleen's ipod from Roon Roon (2), returned Colleen's ipod to her (3), and ran some errands (4). Look at the pretty shape I made as I moved myself around town.

Recent Comments

  • Rolex Watches: This group of pictures is so beautiful, thank you for read more
  • Robert Parent: I have learned to not let pass the subtle hints read more
  • Jenn(y): This is a good, goal-oriented way to approach the new read more
  • Tracey Northcott (@keitaigoddess): I am such a loser - sent off my cards read more
  • Tracey Northcott (@keitaigoddess): Hi Babe, Haven't seen you in ages it seems. Ash read more
  • https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawlBlcLTfxgMWRgxf2_TuNkGW8AwePJPekQ: Hi Kristen, Tell me about it. Our last (3 month) read more
  • Tracey Northcott (@keitaigoddess): "We deeply apologize to our customers for the heavy burden," read more
  • Carolyn Farwell: Oh the gif you've created is so funny! You have read more
  • Tracey Northcott (@keitaigoddess): I am going to miss you!! read more
  • Eric Smith: Hey Kristen: Met you on a train a couple of read more
