August 17, 2001
ring "Kristen McQuillin" "Moshi


"Kristen McQuillin"

"Moshi moshi..."

"Hello, this is Kristen McQuillin."

"Moshi moshi?"

"Kristen McQuillin."

"Moshi moshi?"

"Ergh. Moshi. Moshi."

"Ah! NTT desu. Ashita ni kimasu." [...]

Starting a telephone conversation is like vocally negotiating a modem connection. "I'm 56K, what are you? I'm 28.8. Well, I'm 56K, can't you speak at 56K?" NTT was not going to even try English with me yesterday. I think I could have kept volleying Hello at them for hours. But they are coming to install coppper for our ADSL line today so I'm not complaining.

Posted by kuri at August 17, 2001 08:08 AM

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