July 28, 2001
Last night we strolled

Last night we strolled down Wangfujing, a broad boulevard closed off to traffic. As the evening settled in, crowds of people came out to enjoy the bands and the beer at outdoor festival tables. We dined on food from stalls (avoiding the skewered crickets, scorpions and pupae) at a special night market and had fun in a pharmacy. So much Chinese medicine. An attendant in a green nurse uniform tried to persuade Seth that some natural Viagra would be a good purchase. We ended up with Oreos instead.

You know how you almost always forget something when you pack? This trip, mine is something I rely on a lot more than I expected--a tablet and pen. We scoured the shopping street for a notebook but to no avail. My notes in Beijing will be taken on hotel stationery. Already the details of last night's fun are fading, so I'd better commit them to paper before they are gone...

Posted by kuri at July 28, 2001 08:11 AM

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