June 14, 2006
Time Cookies

Morinaga Time Cookie

These petite yogurt flavored cookies are filled with blackcurrant cream. They are tasty, but I cannot figure out why they are called Time Cookie. The copy on the package doesn’t say much. But TIME is a registered trademark…

I’ve eaten half the packet so far and no effect. Time’s not slowing down or speeding up. I haven’t seen any flashing clocks or countdowns in my peripheral vision. Well, I can only hope that the TARDIS will appear at the end of the week.

Posted by kuri at June 14, 2006 07:43 AM


Tea in the TARDIS…with Dr. Who!

When I saw the title of this post - I thought you had made cookies with the time on them in icing. One for each zone.

Posted by: Jenn on June 16, 2006 02:15 AM
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